Immediately available
Efficient against the Coronavirus
For rent and for sale
With the Handwashbox, everybody has clean and fresh hands. The Handwashbox is the ideal tool for a hygienic environment. It’s immediately available, super-efficient en completely mobile. You can either buy and rent the Handwashbox.
Via your hands, viruses are spread easily. By washing your hands well and regularly, you reduce the chance of getting sick yourself or infecting others.
Is washing your hands with water and soap better then washing your hands with hand gel or hand alcohol?
Yes. Water and soap are the most effective tools to clean your hands with. By washing your hands with water and soap, you can effectively reduce the spread of pathogens. In addition, water and soap also remove dirt from your hands so that your hands are no longer dirty and sticky. Hand gel and hand alcohol are less effective against dirty and sticky hands
With the mobile Handwashbox, everybody has clean and fresh hands on your location. That’s why the Handwashbox is the ideal tool against infectious diseases like the coronavirus.
A virus is spread quickly, among other things like sneezing and coughing. Human hands are the perfect means for viruses and bacteria to spread further. Because we touch things all the time, we quickly spread viruses and bacteria. Washing hands regularly is the best way to prevent spreading.
Did you know that every person touches hundreds of sources of contamination every day? For example, think of doorknobs, taps, keyboards, coffee machines or a toilet roll holder. Regularly wash your hands is the most effective tool to reduce the spread of viruses like the flue and the Coronavirus. With the Handwashbox, you have the perfect tool in your hands.
Our models
“80% of all infections are caused by a lack of hand washing“
Your guests can wash their hands by the front door. Our Handwashbox is the best solution for clean and fresh hands. Fill in the form on the right and we will contact you for an obligation free quote. Because washing your hands starts with a Handwashbox.